
Recent posts


Launch Fearlessly with Automated Regression Testing and ML

Automated regression testing with machine learning makes it easier for developers to test changes before going live with smarter, automated test selection.

October 10, 2022

Product Updates

Launchable’s Test Notifications for Slack Closes The Communication Gap

Get notifications about your Launchable test runs directly to your Slack through our new integration!

October 5, 2022


Everything You Need to Know about the Software Testing Life Cycle

Speed up your software testing lifecycle by addressing bloated test suites and long test run times.

September 30, 2022

Product Updates

September 2022 Launchable Product Updates

The September update will include the addition of observed predictive test selection behavior, tracking time savings and spot integration issues addressed.

September 21, 2022


What is Software Testing?

When a team uses testing throughout the software development lifecycle, they prevent bugs, reduce costs and time, and create an overall better end product.

September 19, 2022


The Only Software Testing Playbook for Launching Fearlessly

A comprehensive catalog of software testing methodology, types, and tools to speed up development cycles

September 14, 2022


The Universal Guide to Regression Tests

Teams use regression tests to ensure new releases do not break functionality. Understand the common steps, issues, and tools for better regression tests.

September 12, 2022


How can I improve my developer experience?

A dev mindset of innovation is incredibly important but most don’t know where to start when asking, “how can I improve my developer experience?”.

August 31, 2022


What makes a great developer experience?

What makes a great developer experience? This question is critical to nurturing a successful development program.

August 30, 2022

Product Updates

Welcome Weekly Flakiness Scores, Auto Links to CI Server, and More

August brings a overhaul to the Flaky Tests page, with weekly flakiness scores. Also automatic links back to your CI logs and duration trackers for tests.

August 23, 2022


Data-Driven Pipelines: The Bedrock to Improving Developer Experience

Fostering happier developers is less about reinventing the wheel, and more about actively improving your existing pipelines to become data-driven.

August 22, 2022


DevX in DevOps: How Developer Experience is Affected by Your Pipeline

Focusing on DevX obstacles in your DevOps loop will impact the happiness of your developers. And happy developers are the backbone of successful products.

August 19, 2022
